English With You (잉글리시 위드 유)

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English With You 44

영어 문자 줄임말 1편 - 영어로 문자 보내기, 영어 채팅, 영어로 채팅 언어, 문자 언어

영어 문자 줄임말 - 영어로 문자 보내기, 영어 채팅, 영어로 채팅 언어, 문자 언어 2F4U Too Fast For You (너에게 너무 빠르다) 4YEO/ FYEO For Your Eyes Only (눈으로만 보는 것) AAMOF As A Matter of Fact (팩트를 말하자면) ACK Acknowledgment (승인하는, 인정하는) AFAIK As Far As I Know (내가 알기로는) AFAIR As Far As I Remember/ Recall (내가 기억하기로는) AFK Away From Keyboard (키보드 앞을 떠나다, 잠시 휴식한다, 다른 일을 하고 있다) AKA Also Known As (다른 말로는) B2K/ BTK Back To Keyboard (키보드로 돌아오다, 다..

영어 속어 3편 - 영국 영어 속어, English Slang, British Slang

영국 영어 속어 - British Slang 영국인들이 평소에 가장 많이 쓰는 말들: 'Chuffed' (기분 좋은, 행복한) “I’m absolutely chuffed with my birthday present. Thanks!” 'Knackered' (피곤한, 지친) “I’ve been up half of the night with the baby. I’m totally knackered.” 'Bants' (장난치는, 말장난하는) “I’m going to Nando’s for some bants with the lads.” 'Cheeky' (무래하지만 귀여운, 무언가 숨기는, 장난스러운) “That is a cheeky smile…are you up to something?” “Did you just..

영어 발음 잘하는 방법 - 영어 발음 연습 하기, 영어 회화 잘하는 법, 영어 발음 연습 - 영어 잰말 놀이, Tongue Twister 3편

영어 발음 연습 - 영어 잰말 놀이, Tongue Twister 3편 “How much ground would a groundhog hog, If a groundhog could hog ground? A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog, If a groundhog could hog ground” "Jerry’s jelly berries taste really rare. Lary’s lawn rake rarely rakes really right. A really leery Larry rolls readily to the road. The road’s load is lessened lightly. Lassie Lilly likes Ronny’s rule..

영어 속어 2편 - 미국 영어 속어, English Slang, American Slang, 사랑에 관련된 영어 속어

사랑에 관련된 미국 영어 속어 - Love Related American Slang 미국인들이 평소에 가장 많이 쓰는 말들: ‘To have a “Crush” [on somebody]’ (사랑에 빠지다) 'I have the biggest crush on Gary, He is so cute!' 'You’re so crushing on Gary right now.' ‘To “Dump” [Somebody]’ (차다, 누군가를 차다, 차이다) 'He got dumped last week' 'Who dumped who?' 'I’m going to dump him' ‘Hooked [on]’ (빠지다, 생각나다) 'I’m hooked already' 'Your still hooked on your ex.' ‘Mov..

영어 속어 1편 - 미국 영어 속어, English Slang, American Slang

미국 영어 속어 - American Slang 미국인들이 평소에 가장 많이 쓰는 말들: ‘Awesome’ (멋있다, 최고다, 대단하다) 'It was awesome I loved it!' 'He is an awesome single guy' ‘Cool’ (시원한, 멋진, 좋아, 멋져) 'Cool sure I love it' 'He seems like a cool guy' ‘Beat’ (피곤한, 지친, 힘듦) 'Sorry, I can’t I’m beat' 'You look beat' ‘Hang out’ (놀자, 나가는 곳) 'We must hang out' 'Where do you usually hang out' ‘Chilling/ Chill out’ (쉬다, 릴랙스, 휴식) 'We’re just chil..

영어 발음 연습 - 영어 잰말 놀이, Tongue Twister 2편

첫 번째 Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Spread it thick, say it quick! Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Spread it thicker, say it quicker! Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Don’t eat with your mouth full! 두 번째 How much ground would a groundhog hog, if a groundhog could hog ground? A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog, if a groundhog..

영어 발음 연습 - 영어 잰말 놀이, Tongue Twister 1편

첫 번째 Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? 두 번째 Betty Botter bought some butter But she said the butter’s bitter If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter But a bit of better butter will make my batter better So ‘twas better Bet..

영어 토론 주제 - Debate Topics, 영어 논쟁 주제

Debate Topics - 영어 토론 주제 사회 및 정치 문제 토론 주제 All people should have the right to own guns. The death penalty should be abolished. Human cloning should be legalized. All drugs should be legalized. Animal testing should be banned. Juveniles should be tried and treated as adults. Climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity today. Violent video games should be banned. All people should have U..