영국 영어 속어 - British Slang
영국인들이 평소에 가장 많이 쓰는 말들:
(기분 좋은, 행복한)
“I’m absolutely chuffed with my birthday present. Thanks!”
(피곤한, 지친)
“I’ve been up half of the night with the baby. I’m totally knackered.”
(장난치는, 말장난하는)
“I’m going to Nando’s for some bants with the lads.”
(무래하지만 귀여운, 무언가 숨기는, 장난스러운)
“That is a cheeky smile…are you up to something?”
“Did you just take the last biscuit? That was a bit cheeky!”
(담배, 게이를 칭하는 말)
“I’m going outside for a fag.”
(Cup of에 줄임말, 커피 혹은 티를 칭한다)
“Would you like a cuppa?”
“I’d love one. I’ll get the kettle on.”
'Mate/ Pal'
(친구, 친한 사람, 사람을 부를 때)
“Hanging out with some of my mates.”
“Excuse me, mate, is anyone sitting here?”
“Hey pal, could I get a whisky and a beer please?”
(Legend에 줄임말, 전설, 멋지다, 최고다)
“That final goal was amazing, mate. You’re a ledge!”
“Thanks for the tickets, mum. What a ledge!”
(실망한, 실패한)
“I was gutted when I failed the exam.”
(술 마시러 가자)
“Do you fancy a few sherbets after work tonight?”
(취한, 만취, 꽐라)
“I had a few too many sherbets last night, mate. I was trollied.”
(신경질적인, 기분이 안 좋은)
“She won’t speak to me. She’s been narky with me all day.”
(운빨, 두 번 일어날 수 없는, 운이 좋은)
“I hit the bullseye (다트에 한가운데)
“That was a total fluke! You wouldn’t be able to do it again.”
(Can't be Fxxxed에 착한 말, Can't be bothered - 귀찮아, 쉬고 싶어, 힘들어)
“Would you like go out today?”
“Can’t be arsed. It’s Sunday. I’m not getting out of bed.”
(지금 당장 필요한, 꼭 하고/먹고 싶은)
“I’m gagging for a cuppa. I haven’t had one all day!”
(멋진, 빨리 해야 하는)
“That was a cracking dinner. Compliments to the chef.”
“I have lots of Christmas presents to wrap. I’d better get cracking!”
(존나랑 비슷한 느낌, 욕이지만 욕이 아니면서 욕인)
“Bloody British English is bloody confusing!
Bloody hell!
Why do they have so much bloody slang?”
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